Friday, June 4, 2010

"Joy Search" Day 1

I'm very excited; this is my first blogging experience! I can't quite explain the allure of blogging, but I've been considering it for about 6 months now. I am a "writer" by nature (no, I haven't published anything, or even completed a manuscript, but I still consider myself a writer by nature--and this is a step in fulflilling that dream); I've always wanted to keep a journal, but my attempts never seemed to last; probably because in my own vanity, I want others to actually READ my writing; at least with an on-line blog, I can fool myself into believing someone has actually read it! So, I'm proud to have finally taken the blogging leap!

I should begin with an explanation of my blog's title "In Search of Joy," and my ultimate desire for this blog. On the surface, I am generally a happy person. I have the world's most amazing husband (as every married girl should be able to say about her hubby!). I have a great house (really great for our first home), a little dog, Leo, who is the cutest--though most annoying--little guy. I have a good job as an 8th grade English teacher. I have amazing friends and family who love me unconditionally. And, above all, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sounds like I should be incredibly happy, yes?? But the truth is, on the inside, in the still, quiet of night, there is this pit of unhappiness into which I stumble and fall.

So, this blog is about a journey to dig out of my pit and to fill it brimming with Joy. I believe that "happiness" is a fleeting feeling, but true joy is lasting, and that it is what I should feel in the still, quiet of the night. This is not actually the first day of my journey--it actually began about 8 months ago with the death of my dad. Like happens for so many people, the loss of someone so close opened my eyes to the fragile, fleetingness of life. My dad lived a life in the "pit" of sadness, and while I love him more than words could express, I have realized that I don't want to live my life that way. And so, my journey in search of joy begins.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to see that you have a blog! I hope to get to see into your journey when I'm not always selfless enough to ask.

    I need to start writing in mine again. . .

    I love you!

